Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Job, New life, New new new....

Okay. I'm lame. I started my new job on Monday, and I can honestly say that I truly enjoy it. I'm a little concerned about the functions of the system, but not overly so. I know I'll "get it" in good time. I was BORN for customer service! Tee hee! Seriously though, I'm really good on the phone, and I'm really good at talking to people, so I've no concerns about that.

I will say that starting my job was like a huge sigh of relief. When you have children to care for, it's always in the back of your mind that they need things. It's like some unwritten law that says you need to take responsibility and do your best to take care of them. I guess in some sense I felt like a loser for losing my job, but I know now that it was God's will that I lose that job. Maybe He wanted me to accept my new job. I wouldn't have it now otherwise. I feel more confident in myself that I'm able to once again help my husband provide for our children. It's scary to not really be sure if you'll be able to buy groceries, and I honestly don't want to go through that ever again. It was definitely a lesson that I learned, and I have gained a new humility, so I'm grateful for the test, and still very relieved to be able to be me again.

This weekend we BBQ'd. I LOVE when Brian BBQ's. He makes the best home made marinade and's super yummy. I ate myself silly!

I hung out with some friends on Friday night. I can honestly say that I haven't had that much fun since New Year's. It was nice to be with friends, not concerned with anything but chatting and having a good time. I'm so blessed that I have some really truly wonderful friends.

My sister went on vacation for the first time since becoming a mom. She took her kids to Sea World and the River Walk in San Antonio. I am truly pleased with this because my sister is very strict on herself and her kids, and rarely has time for "fun". She's not bad in any way, don't mis read this. She's simply GOT to be strict b/c she does it all on her own. She works full time and has a part time job, and goes to school non stop, all while raising two very well adjusted, good kids, and paying her bills. No, she doesn't get child support. Unfortunately, the system isn't as great as one would think. They don't even have consequences for the "dads" that don't pay their support. Well, I guess they do, like a threatening letter to have a driver's license revoked is really going to put the fear of God into those men who simply don't care? Anyway, I couldn't be more proud of her. She's been through more than she cares to admit, yet she's still busting her butt and coming out on top. Now that is perseverance!

Tooth Tunes...I'm simply in love with these toothbrushes for kids. They play music while the kids properly brush their teeth. My kids actually WANT to brush their teeth with these things! Logan's favorite is the Smashmouth song, Allstar...and Kylee is currently jamming to Kelly Clarkson's, Walk Away. These things are really neat, and perfectly time how long they need to brush, and the song only plays as long as you're applying the appropriate amount of pressure while brushing. I highly recommend these to anyone with kids who are leery of brushing their teeth, or ones who simply battle the tooth brushing time.

Okay...that's my ten cents. Adios!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Wow...I've been gone a long time. I'm so sorry, and I sincerely apologize to my one or two fans out there. A lot has been going on in my oh so boring life. I've recently gotten a new job....and so far I love it! I'm no longer in accounting for the first time in 10 years. Maybe it was fate that had my former boss telling me to piss off. I'm enjoying the new job, but trying to struggle to pay bills is simply not what I'm accustomed to. It's okay! I know it will be. I've taken up this thing called prayer. Yes, it's not new, but I've been a slacker in that department and decided I needed to have some one on one time with God. He looooves to listen to people...I wonder why so many people don't know that? So, anyway, I've been talking to him about life, and asking Him to guide me to his will, and you know what? I have a job! It's about 15 minutes from my house, and against traffic so the ride to and from is sweet!

So, I've been really bummed out lately. Of course the depression of being fired for the first time ever in my life, but from other things also. I've been very selfish lately, I think it's been for a good reason, but apparently not everyone thinks that way. I had a friend, we'll say..."friend" tell me that I am a self centered, egotistical snob, and that I don't care for anyone but myself. Well, that simply isn't true. Okay...not ALL of it is true. Yes, I openly admit I'm a snob. I want my kids in the best schools and I want a big nice house, and I like nice things. What's wrong with that exactly? Is it not okay to want the best for your kids? BTW, "BEST" doesn't imply rich...just good schools and a nice house. I grew up very poor, and I want my kids to have the very best in life. I wasn't priviledged like some of the kids I went to school with. My daddy never bought me a car, in fact, ever since I was 14 I bought and paid for everything myself, including dr. visits. So, why shouldn't I want the best for my family? ANYWAY....I lost my job, and fell into a depression, and I took it out on some people...mainly my bestest friends and my hubby and kids. Please tell me why it is that we take out our problems on the ones we love the most? So anyway....I realize that I've been self involved lately, and not a very "good" friend, but I take it to heart when someone says that I'm an ugly person....because I really try hard not too. I know I need to develope a thicker skin. I need to be able to say...Piss those who hurt me, but my problem is I tend to hold a grudge for a LONG time, and when I get my feelings hurt it takes a long while to get over it. So, Needless to say, I'm no longer talking to "said friend". Whatever. I'm sorry if my pity party upset you, but I'm allowed to be self centered a bit right now.

On a lighter side....I'm adjusting well to my new career. I think I'll enjoy it, and I'm looking forward to growing with the company. I'm always an over achiever, and I LOVE moving up in the world. So, we'll see where I am 2 years from now.

So...highlights of my week. Monday...started new job. Friday Night out with some friends. Saturday Date with the hubby and Johnny Depp. Woooohoooo!

I have to say a special thank you to one of my very bbest friends, Rene for pushing me to blog again. I had forgotten how much I like it. I also want to say thank you to Leiann, Lori and Kisha for putting up with my crap and being wonderful friends. Thanks! Love you!