Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Do you Zoo???

Each year we renew our Zoo membership, to bask in the amazement and joy of the animal kingdom. Each year, my children get more and more out of the zoo experience, and each year we are able to learn, experience and enjoy new things with our children.

The Houston Zoo is simply one of the most beautiful zoos we have ever been to, and we've been to many. We enjoy taking our children to see the animals. There are few things sweeter than watching your little one play with an otter, or growl like a lion or bear. We always wake early in the morning, often before the sun, and eat a hearty breakfast. Then, we arrive at the zoo just in time to venture through the gates as they open. Our first stop is always the Sea Lion exhibit. There is something about those sea lions that have the kids' laughing and pointing. Next, we head through the Koala cave, past the Giant Turtles, alligators, and finally to the Giraffe's. Did you know there is a new baby there? After the sad death of baby Amali who fell at birth and broke her leg, and couldn't quite get over the break, a new baby was born just last year! His name is Topper, and we plan on visiting him this weekend! After seeing if the kids have grown as big as giraffes, we venture over to see the elephants. Yes, there's a new baby there also! He's a HUGE one, the biggest elephant calf ever born in captivity, and he's right here in our zoo! We often laugh as we watch children of all ages attempt their best Elephant noises. From here we run to see the Okapi, which is a cross between a zebra, Giraffe and horse. He's a clever guy, and isn't afraid to walk straight up to where the kids are standing, admiring his odd appearance and trying to decide if he looks more zebra or horse. After the decision has been made, and it's different every time, we run off to see wolves, various wild cats, a bear, some tigers and lions, and eventually make our way over to the Children's Zoo. There's a maze of animals to see, and lots of fun things to do, including pretending to be an eagle, sliding down a slide like an otter, jumping on lily pads, seeing what it's like to be a ground hog, and getting hands on experience with goats, sheep, cows, and llamas. What kid WOULDN'T enjoy a fun filled day at the zoo???

So, do yourself a favor...if you haven't been to the zoo in a very long time, or if you simply haven't felt the urge, GO SEE WHAT THEY HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU!!! Don't forget, all of the money you spend at the zoo for food, drinks, souvenirs, etc will go right back into the zoo! Some of these animals are close to extinction, so wouldn't it be nice if your great-great grandchildren will be able to enjoy them as well?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The good, the bad, and the Chick flicky!

Papa John's Pizza is the DEVIL!

I LOVE Papa John's pizza! They have the best crust, sauce, etc....the only problem? Every time I eat it, I get seriously ill. I'm talking the running to the bathroom b/c you're about to die, kind of ill. I hate that it makes me sick, yet I can't resist the taste! I swear, there is crack listed as an ingredient.

I'm a BAAAAD Mommy!

Over the weekend, Logan asked if he could play his video game. Well, the rule is, you have to #2 in the potty before you can play, so we told him 'no'. Come to find out, he REALLY did #2 in the potty, but his sitter forgot to tell us! So, we let him play his video game for an hour last night. Poor guy. He's never going to trust me to believe him, if I can't believe something as simple as #2 in the potty.


I realize that I'm not the only female in the world who has a man who loves her, but it's so strange to me how very much in love I am with him. It's so neat to me that everyday that we're together, I feel a stronger bond with him. Sure, he annoys me, and I him, but it's what's underneath it all that really kicks you. What we have is not superficial, it's not based on lustful feelings, or our children, or's the real true love that survives some of the roughest storms. We've been thrown around, beaten up, and still come out thriving on love, if nothing else. Right now we're really in debt from our wedding, and trying very hard to we're a little more stressed than normal, but he's right there beside me holding my hand through it all. I feel truly blessed that he's in my life....oh, and I LOVE kissing him! *blush*

Ghost Rider

If you get the chance, SEE THIS MOVIE! It was everything I look for in a movie. Action with a small "love" undertone, followed up with good~vs~evil, and ending with a cheering 'way to go' conclusion. Of course, it didn't hurt that Nicholas cage is totally hot, and you see his fabulous abs in the movie. It was truly a movie I can see myself watching again and again. Very much worth my time!


I'm obsessed! I LOVE them! I can eat a sandwich every single day and never get tired of them! I love big fat sandwiches on wheat bread. Every day for the last weeks I've hardly eaten anything BUT sandwiches. I don't know if it's a phase I'm going through, of if I'm just that lazy that a sandwich is all I want.


Last night I was able to sit on my butt and watch TV, for the very first time in a very long time. I was not bothered, I was not cried or whined at, and I wasn't sitting there watching whatever it was that Brian deemed watch worthy. I sat and watched Lifetime Movie Network, and enjoyed not one but two movies! I think I overdid my chick flick quota, but it was surely a good time! Kinda gets you right here *tapping chest*. LOL

Okay...I'm a rambler...sorry!

Monday, February 26, 2007

The daily grind....or is it?

The Bandwagon...

Somewhere, I fell off the weight loss bandwagon. I'm not sure if it was the stress of starting a new job, or what. I haven't gained weight back, but I haven't lost either, and I know my "eating" habits haven't been great. So, over the weekend, both Brian and I started back up again. We're playing DDR again, eating better, which includes a lot more fish, and learning to be healthier. Brian just turned 29, and to hear him talk, he just turned 40. He's having a very hard time coping with his age, and getting older, and he's seeing himself as fat. I wonder if this is just the beginning of mid life criseses (Is that a word?) for my husband? I know men tend to take aging hard, but never really imagined it. I'll be 28 next month, and I'm actually looking forward to the 30's. Everyone I know love(d) being in their 30' least the females. I guess aging doesn't really bother me, although I am having a TERRIBLE time with dealing with wrinkles. :( I have developed minor "laugh lines" around my eyes, and mouth, and it's KILLING me! I've always taken pride in my youthful appearance, and despite my complaints about people mistakenly thinking I'm a teenage mother, I actually enjoy the compliments. But then I discovered the wrinkles, and I've decided the sun is out of the question this year. No more real tanning, maybe a spray on. I'm determined that when I'm in my 40's and 50's and so on that people will say, "Whoa! you don't look......" I have a good friend who's in her 30's, and I swear, she doesn't look a day over 29. We teasingly joke that every year she is turning 29 again, but in truth...she really doesn't look her age. I'd like that. Ya know?

Anyway, back to the weight loss thing. I won't be at me "goal" weight this year b/c I'm taking the stance of losing weight the hard slow way....I'm not looking for fast results, although that would be nice....So, we're working out, eating right, and taking care of ourselves. Go us!

Adventures in babysitting....

I watched one of my best friend's kids this weekend, overnight. First, let me just say, somewhere along the road, I got out of baby mode, and her little son, running all over my house getting into everything had me frazzled. He's a very good baby, but I'm just not used to babies anymore! How odd??? Anyway, he was such a sweet little boy, and you can totally tell he's just a very good baby! Her daughter has reached the age of temperamental pre-teen. She's a very loving, "mothering" little girl, but some of the things she does and says, reminds me of me and her mother when we were young. I guess now, I see her, and go...."did we really do that?" She is very helpful with all of the kids, but you can tell when she gets frustrated and throws her mental hands in the air. It's actually cute to see....and at the same time it reminds me that I'm not ready for that stage in my children's lives yet. I want them to grow up healthy and strong, but I'm not ready for the adultness of their behavior...I'm enjoying being the idol to my kids.

Manicures and Pedicures....

As some of you are aware, I have major issues with people touching my feet. Well, last year, my friend and I went to a wedding in a small town in East Texas, and I stooped to the level of having a pedicure done. Now, manicures I'll get every day if I could afford it, they're so relaxing and it really makes my hands and nails look wonderful, but pedicures always gave me the creeps because they want to touch my feet. Well, ever since that fateful day in April, I've come to the conclusion that somehow I got over my feet phobia. I LOVE pedicures!!! I love how soft and pretty my feet look after one, and I love not having to paint my toenails myself. I used to hate open toed shoes and sandals, but now I find myself only looking at strappy little things with their barely there straps and high heels. I've turned into a girl! LOL Last night I did my own first pedicure of the season, and I just LOVE how my feet look! I can't wait to go this weekend to have a real one done. (I guess I did it myself first to avoid the embarrassing "winter foot" pedicure......) I guess it's a good thing that my feet phobia is diminishing...I'm not sure how I'd feel if someone randomly touched my feet....but maybe one day....

Coffee or Tea?

Since I'm on this health kick thing...I've started drinking hot tea. Tea is a natural diuretic, and thus is very good for intestinal health. It's also high in antioxidants, and a good source of water. I've found that I drink 3-4 cups of caffeine free tea a day, with no sugar, and it really helps me to stay focused and awake. It's soothing qualities help me to relax, and feel comfortable in my surroundings. I've found a very yummy green tea, and an extremely aromatic Lavender tea. I used to drink coffee on a regular basis, meaning 2 cups a day. I'd pile on the cream and sweet n low to hide the bitterness which exists in coffee, and always had fully caffeinated. Well, 1) it had caffeine, 2) it had tons of cream and sweetener which adds fat and calories, and 3) it would leave me feeling jittery instead of ready for the day. So....maybe the British have it right with tea time.....

Monday, February 19, 2007

The latest, greatest, and not so fun

I don't normally write about me, or what's going on in my life because this is my primary "writing" blog. However, today I feel the need to write about things.

The Saturday before last, my mom, daughter and I took a trip to Katy Mills Mall. We walked, and walked, and walked. It was our first trip there, so we kind of absorbed all that was going on around us. Surprisingly it wasn't very busy, so we were able to walk and take our time in doing so. We decided lunch at the Rainforest Cafe would be fun, only Kylee decided that was not a very good idea. The child clung to me like a monkey and screamed and screamed the entire time we were in the shop....JUST the shop! So, we decided against lunching there for the sake of our sanity, my daughter's nightmares, and other diners. Our little walk took us by a SPCA shop, where they generally sell animal treats, and goodies. So, we venture in, since we're avid pet lovers, and thought we'd pick up some treats for our animals at home. That was when Kylee saw him...the fattest orange Tabby I've ever seen. I've wanted an orange tabby my entire life! They're so hard to find because they're usually first pick of the litter. Orange Tabbies are known for their patience, affection, and calmness, so they're ideal for kids and families. Anyway, he was 6 years old, and I filled out the necessary paperwork to see how he liked us.

We took him into a little room, meant for getting to know your new animal, and he walked right up to my daughter and head butted her! I knew right then he was meant to be ours! I had to hurry though because there was an old lady looking at him also, so I opened the door, and said, "I'll take him" I just knew that old lady huffed indignantly! So, we filled out the papers to adopt him, and the poor thing was named Peekie-Pee. OH dear, that was NOT going to work. So, I say to the girl behind the counter, "Does he like that name?" She laughs and responds, "NO WAY! He will not even come to you if you call him that." Well, that was good to know. So, Charlie became his new name, and as soon as I said it, he walked right up to me and meowed. I was so very excited! I got what I had always wanted! He's beautiful, and loving, and such a wonderful cat!

Mia, our grey tabby wasn't pleased in the least to meet her new brother. She actually avoided us for 2 straight days, and every time she saw Charlie, she'd hiss and snarl and spit. Finally, last weekend she decided that if he's going to live there, she may as well accept his presence. This morning I caught them playing together, and it was SO funny because when I walked into the room, they both jumped apart like teenagers getting caught making out! (Do not fret, Charlie is very much fixed) They them proceeded to chase each other around the living room.

So then, Friday night was Brian's birthday, and we went to see Ghost Rider at the Movie Tavern. It was a very good movie, if you remove the fact that I BOUGHT my tickets online, and they STILL made me stand in line. (The manager got a nice earful from me about that.) Because we had to stand in line, we had to sit all the way up front, which is NOT comfortable in the least. The food was good though, so that made up a tad for it. Then, this chick behind me kept kicking my chair. Mind you, in the Movie Tavern, you have individual chairs, like office chairs, the big leather kind, so they move, and stuff. So, I move my chair, thinking she's just got long legs or whatever. Next thing I know, she's kicking it again. Not your occasional kick, but a constant, keeping the beat kind of kick. So, I stand up, and glare at her, and bite a nice chunk of her head off in the process. (Sorry, I was already upset about standing in line, then having to sit way up front.) She didn't kick my chair again.

About 30 minutes before the movie ends, I feel like my throat has razor blades in it. So, I go home, take some NyQuil, and pass out. The next day it's WAY worse! I'm talking, I'm crying it hurt so badly. So, I buy Chloreseptic, Vick's 44 lozenges, painkillers, and hot tea. Nothing seemed to even remotely relieve the pain. Sunday rolls around, and I'm miserable, so, I go back to the store, and buy some extremely expensive Jasmine tea. (I heard it has natural numbing qualities) I drink a cup of the most aromatic tea I've ever had, if only a tad bit strong, and feel a brief relief in the pain in my throat.

Today is Monday, and I schedule a doctor's appointment. Now, I know that sore throats are caused by a virus, and there isn't anything they can do about it, but JUST in case I needed to see the doctor. (Strep is a virus, in case you're wondering why you get antibiotics when you have it, is because strep can cause Rheumatic fever, so they give you the antibiotics to help prevent that from happening.) Of course, the doctor looks in my throat, and says, "OH YUK!" There are several words I don't want to hear my doctor say, "oops", "Uh-oh" and "Oh yuk". So he sits down, and says, "I have good news, and bad news. The good news, I know what is wrong with you, the bad news, there isn't anything I can do about it. You have a virus, that has caused ulcers in your throat, and those ulcers have become infected. Because they are in your throat, they become irritated, so you are to eat only smooth food, like: milkshakes, pudding, soup, juice, hot tea, yogurt...etc. The worse news is that it lasts for 2 weeks, and there really isn't anything I can give you for the pain, so you'll have to just bare it. Oh, just for safety's sake, I'm going to give you a shot of triple antibiotics, and prescribe you some antibiotics to see if we can take the edge out of that infection, but don't count on it to work." So, they give me a shot in my hip that felt like they were injecting fire, prescribed my drugs that won't work, and sent me on my merry way with a final little note of "you're not contagious".

I felt like I earned a milkshake after all of that, and stopped at JITB, and got one. SO there! Talking hurts, and I can't do it well because I have a BIG ulcer right where my tongue is in my throat, so moving it hurts. It looks as though soup is my new best friend, and I think I'll drink tea until I puke, but it's only for 2 weeks, right? Oh, another thing...I was the fourth person he'd seen since last Monday that has had this, who is the contagious one that is passing this around? I'd really like to know!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cassidy Part II

The connecting bathroom was bigger than any Cassidy had seen in her life. The long granite countertop sparkled under the many lights. There were tiny soaps, and bottles of creams and lotions on the counter as well as small bottles of shampoos and conditioners. The tub itself was huge, and took up the majority of the room. It was long and deep with what looked to Cassidy as jets. On the back of the door was a long thick robe that screamed comfort.

Heaving a sigh, Cassidy walked back into the room and walked to the window. There was a cozy leather chair facing the window, and she slumped down into it, sinking into the cushions. She pulled her knees to her chest, and with tired eyes watched the world outside her window.

Cassidy woke to a knock at the door. For just a moment she wasn’t sure where she was, and then it all came flooding back to her. The knock came again at her door, and she opened it to see Westly.

“Hello there. I’m terribly sorry to wake you, but it’s time we get to the hospital now.”

Realizing she was standing in a door way, she pushed away to let him enter, “Of course, I’m sorry, I must have been more tired than I thought. I know I may seem selfish, as I haven’t even asked about Chelsea, but to be honest, I barely know her.” She fumbled with her shoes, as she stood to put them on. Walking to the door, then running back to grab her purse, she finally gave Westly a helpless smile, “I suppose I’m ready.”

To Cassidy, all hospitals looked and smelled the same. If she thought hard, she could remember what it was like when her mother was in one. She walked down the hall towards the elevators that would lead her up to her sister’s floor. Once out of the elevator, she slowly walked towards a nurse’s station to request her sister’s room.

“Hello, I’m looking for my sister.” Her barely audible whisper caught the attention of only one of the nurses.

“Who is it you’re here to see?” The nurse, a large black woman with a very loud voice demanded.

“Uh…I’m here to see…” She fumbled with the slip of paper that stated her sister’s name, “Gina Coy. I’m her sister. I was told that she was here…”

“Ah, you must be Cassidy. I’ll need your identification card, please, and we’ll get Dr. Kline for you.” The nurse waved another nurse along to find the doctor, as she efficiently jotted down Cassidy’s information in a guest log book.

Handing the ID card back to Cassidy, the nurse eyed her cautiously. “My name is Pearl. I’ll be here during your visit and will answer questions for you. Dr. Kline will need you to fill out a lot of paperwork.”

Cassidy mearly nodded her head in acknowledgement when she was the other nurse returning with a very tall man. Dr. Kline was 7 feet tall with sandy blond hair, and the greenest eyes Cassidy had ever seen. He towered over her, and made her feel very small, and unsure of herself.

“Miss Keaton. I’m Dr. Kline. I’ve been taking care of your sister for you. It you’ll please come this way, I’ll take you in to see her.” Gesturing her to follow, Dr. Kline lead Cassidy down a long white hallway to a door with a very bored security guard standing watch. “This is Cassidy Keaton, the patience’s sister.” At the nod of the guard, Dr. Kline walked into the room.

Slowly, Cassidy walked to the bed where her sister lay. She studied the still, quiet form, and tried to remember her as her sister. Chelsea’s hair was platinum blond, the kind that was more white than gold. Her cheeks were hollow, and sunk in. She had very dark circles surrounding, what Cassidy remembered were very blue eyes. She slowly took in the face of the sister she didn’t remember and let a single tear flow over her cheek.

“I’m sorry, Doctor, I just don’t know her, not this woman. My sister is still fifteen years old in my mind, and this is a stranger to me. Please, can you tell me what happened, and why I’m here?”

Dr. Kline studied the woman in front of him, and knew what it was like to feel bewildered and lost. He motioned to a set of chairs in the far corner of the room, and sat.

“Your sister has had an apparent drug overdose. We have done all that we can for her at this time, and if she makes it through this alive, it’ll be a miracle. You were called here by your sister’s lawyers, as you’ve been listed as executive of her estate, and will be in control of her finances, and will be the person to make final decisions regarding your sister. We had to do surgery when she arrived here to remove the baby she was carrying, and at this time, that child is in NICU under strict supervision. It appears that the child will indeed make it, and you’ll be responsible for what happens to her.” Dr. Kline placed his hand over Cassidy’s when he saw her mouth fall open. “I know this is hard for you, and I know it’s got to be a complete shock, but you are the only family listed, and there is no father that we can find for the child.”

“Can…can I see the baby?” Glancing towards the bed where her sister lay, Cassidy continued, “I can’t picture Chelsea with a baby. She never wanted them, and if she came in here from a drug overdose, she didn’t intend to keep this one. Tell me, is the baby addicted?”
“I can tell you that we found only very slight traces of drugs in the infant’s system. It appears that perhaps your sister wasn’t doing the drugs during pregnancy and it’s speculated from her agent that perhaps she was depressed. I have a full statement from her agent upon her arrival, but I can say that I don’t think he’s very credible. He’s known to introduce his stars to drugs, and dangles it over their heads in order to get them to continue doing his bidding.”

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cassidy's Curse

Chelsea Dionne Keaten was born in a small town in East Texas, with no money, and a father who left her mother during pregnancy. Her whole life she struggled to be more than what she was born into, and somehow, she'd made it to Hollywood. The beautiful buxom blond, with stunning blue eyes, and a sex kitten mouth. She'd started her career, by posing in nude magazines, and having sex with various men, and sometimes women, for the porn industry. It was during that time that she met Gary Shantz.

Shantz was known around Hollywood as a hard nosed, cocaine addicted, tough guy, who somehow managed to find washed up hookers acting jobs in legit films. It was on the set her latest conquest, that he discovered Chelsea Keaton, and her beautiful, if somewhat used, body. It was Shantz who introduced the white powder to Chelsea, and it was Shantz who found her unconscious, face covered in white powder and naked as the day she was born.

Cassidy's phone rang at 3:00 in the morning waking her from a rather pleasant dream where she was just about to start a sexy lip lock with Johnny Depp. She fumbled for the light, and cursed when she knocked the phone off the night table. With her eyes closed, and still picturing the gorgeous Johnny Depp, she finally answered the phone with a very gruff mumble.
"Is this Cassidy Dawn Keaton," a rather prim voice came through the phone.
", yes, this is Cassidy. Who is this?"
"Miss Keaton, this is Beverly Mace with the Las Angeles Police Department. Apparently, your sister has been found unconscious from an apparent drug overdose. At this time, she's alive-"
"I beg your pardon, my sister?"
"Yes, you do have a sister, one Chelsea Dean also known as Chelsea Keaton, don't you?"
"Yes, of course, I'm sorry, you just caught me by surprise. I haven't heard from or seen my sister in about 12 years. Please, tell me what happened again." Sitting up in her bed, she pulled the comforter to her chin for comfort, more than warmth.
"Ms. Keaton was found at approximately 11:30 pm last night. She's currently in Intensive Care at the Las Angeles Hope Hospital, under an alias name of Gina Coy. As of this time, she's listed in stable condition. Miss Keaton, I'm sorry, but the doctors asked that her next of kin be called in; they don't expect her to make it."
"Oh my God." Tears ran unnoticed down Cassidy's cheeks as she tried to remember the sister that she never really had. They'd shared a womb together, but other than that, had virtually nothing in common. Cassidy wanted a family, love, children, and a stable home; whereas Chelsea wanted adventure, money, and fame. "Um, I will be on the next plane there. Where is she again?" Stumbling to her desk, she found three pencils with broken lead, and a pen with no ink before she finally found a highlighter that semi worked. She jotted down directions and address, and a phone number to call when she arrived. Hanging up the phone, she turned on her computer as she mentally shifted her finances around trying to come up with the money for the trip. Her rich and famous sister had conveniently forgotten all about her family when she ran away from home at 15, and had never sent a cent home to her mother or sister.
Grabbing her comforter from her bed, Cassidy plopped down onto a rather abused 1970's orange chair, and pulled her lap top onto her lap. She scanned the screen as she searched for the earliest flight to Las Angeles, and cringed at the prices. I'm going to have to ask for an advance for this one....Charles is NOT going to be happy. Thinking ahead, and mentally preparing herself for the lecture, she dialed Charles Finnegan's home number, then winced at the gruff sound of sleep interrupted.
"Mr. Finnegan...uh...this is Cassidy, I'm sorry to wake you, but I have an emergency."
"Eh? Cassie? Do you know what time it is?" The sound in his voice led her to believe that he still wasn't aware that he was actually talking on the phone.
"Yes, I'm so sorry. Look, it's my sister, she's in the hospital. I have to go to her."
"Ah. Cass, I'm coming up."
The sound of the phone being disconnected cut off any protest Cassidy could think of. With a sigh, she hung up the phone and stalked to the door.
Charles Finnegan was 62 years old, and had lived in Texas his entire life. He'd worked hard to build his book store, and had led a life of adventure, even if it was all in books. Age didn't slow Charles down, and it certainly didn't show on his face. He was short for a man, about 5'6, and robust, with a small ring of bright red hair wrapped around his otherwise bald head. He had a full red beard, and both hair and beard were finally beginning to thread with silver. His soft green eyes were surrounded by faint wrinkles and supported by rosy, almost cherubic cheeks. He claimed his daily pipe filled with black cherry tobacco kept him young, that and the shot of Irish Whiskey he had every night before bed. He's married young, and was still in love with his wife as though they'd just met. They were never blessed with children of their own, and took it upon themselves to help those who didn't have parents. He'd adopted 5 children all together, and had raised each one to be strong, good people. He was the proud grandfather of 14 grandchildren, all of varying ages, and felt the need to share photos with any stranger passing by.
He'd hired Sandra10 years before as a clerk for his bookstore, and with Sandra, came Cassidy. He'd remembered how young she was, and how he introduced her to the magical worlds that existed between the cover of a book. When her mother died 3 years later, he took Cassidy in without so much as a thought, and yet the girl still insisted on calling him Mr. Finnegan.
He huffed up the stairs on the outside of his bookstore up to the one bedroom apartment he rented to Cassidy. Through the curtain he saw her pacing the rooms, and from the looks of it, causing a disaster of a mess in the process. He didn't bother to knock, and just opened the door, inwardly cursing the girl for never locking the door.
"Cassie, you didn't lock the door again. Come now girl, what seems to be the problem? What's this about your sister?" He sat heavily onto a tattered wooden chair and patted the mate next to him.
"I..I got a call from Las Angeles. My sister, Chelsea, well, it seems that she's overdosed, and they requested I come there. I don't know what to do Mr. Finnegan, I haven't seen her since we were 15." Looking around the room at the mess she'd made, and the half packed suitcase, Charles heaved a sigh, and stood to face her.
"Cassie, my girl, what do you need? If it's money, all you have to do is ask, and you know that."
Cassidy blew a breath between her lips, causing her bangs to fly. "Yes, I know, but it's just not fair! If I'd gotten that book deal, instead of another decline letter...well, that's neither here nor there. Mr. Finnegan, I need to go to her."
Patting her hand, Charles grinned up at her, "You know, I remember when you were a bit shorter than me. Yes, you'll have the money. Come down in the morning, and I'll have it for you. Don't forget to call when you get there, and if there's anything you'll be needing, well, I'm here."
Cassidy leaned down to hug the only father she'd ever known, and kissed his already red cheek. "You do know I love you, don't you?"
"Yeah, yeah, if you loved me you'd stop calling Mr. Finnegan."
At her laugh, he only grinned and headed to the door. "You best be getting some sleep, Las Angeles isn't that close, and you'll be needing your strength."
"I know, thank you....Charlie." Her whispered response caused him only a moments hesitation, and as he walked down the steps, he felt a grin spread over his face full of pride and love. What was he going to do with that girl?
Cassidy's first plane trip was not as she'd have expected. It seemed that the plane shook and rattled more than it flew smoothly, and she was certain that it was going to fall from the sky any minute. She was sure that she'd left indentions in the seat where she'd held on for dear life, and when the plane made it's descent, she prayed for a safe landing. Her legs wobbled as she walked from the plane to the luggage claim, and she caught herself amazed at the sheer size of the airport and all of the people crowded into it.
There were men and women in tidy suits holding up little signs with names on them, some of which she guessed were aliases for some star. She kept walking and almost walked past the little man with twinkling eyes holding a sign with her name on it.
"Excuse me, is that for me?"
The little man grinned broadly, and said in what she could only guess was a british accent, "If you're Cassidy Keaton, I'll be your driver. The name's Westly, and I'm here to take you to the hotel, and to the hospital." Westly placed his hand on the small of her back, and escorted her to the luggage area. He gently ushered her against a wall as he went in search of her luggage.
Cassidy watched the comings and goings of the people. The styles of clothing, the sounds of voices, mingled with the ringing of phones, and yells of limosine drivers attempting to gather luggage. Her eyes widened when she spotted a driver lugging what appeared to be 15 pieces of luggage behind him on a trolley. She imagined a movie star, or famous musician was the owner of that much luggage, and it most definitely had to be a female. She was about to create a story in her head when she saw Westly heading towards her with her single suitcase that still looked too new.
Her first ride in a limo was much better than her flight. She felt like a child swinging her head from side to side as if trying to take in the sights all at once. She saw big fancy hotels, and boutiques, and everyone seemed to be beautiful walking on the sidewalks. She saw what appeared to be a crowd of photographers outside a restaurant and assumed someone famous was dining inside. Before she knew it, the driver was pulling up in front of a very expensive looking hotel.
"Um, Westly, this isn't my hotel. There isn't a way I can afford a place like this." She felt her face flame with heat of embarrassment at the realization of what she'd just said.
As if he hadn't heard a word she'd said, Westly just grinned at the girl, and opened her door. Taking her hand, he gently removed her from the car, and grabbed her suitcase in the other hand.

"There's no need to worry, Miss. I was assured that you'll be staying here, and all of your expenses will be paid by your sister's account. I'll have you escorted to your suite, and I'll be back in an hour to take you to the hospital. I'm sure you'd want to see her." Westly gave her name to the desk clerk, while Cassidy stood staring at everything around her. She barely noticed that a bell hop had been given her luggage, and she was being ushered towards a giant elevator with gleeming mirrors.
The bell hop pressed at button and the doors slid silently closed. Cassidy released a breath she wasn't aware she was holding, and tried not to fidget. The doors slide open to an elegant hallway with plush carpet, and what appeared to be authentic paintings on the walls. Her door was opened, and the key placed in her hand. He was closing the door behind him, when she ran after him.
"Wait! Here, I know it's not much, or what you're used to,!" Cassidy thrust the five dollar bill into his hand, and even though he was accustomed to larger, her hopeful eyes had him smiling earnestly back at her. "Thank you ma'am," and the door was closed between them.
Cassidy turned from the door and absorbed her surroundings. The room was large, with a full wall of a window that had the blinds pulled open to reveal a stunning view of the city. There was a cherry desk with writing paper, pens, and a vase filled with sunny daisies. The bed was overly large and seemed to be smothered by the pillows stacked all over it. It was draped with a very soft rose colored spread that made her want to run her hands over it just to feel the softness.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Escape......part 1....

The tears ran freely over her cheeks, as she stared through swollen eyes at the man who had become a monster to her. The pain that had exploded in her head was now just a dull throb compared to the seering aches that raced through the rest of her body. He stood over her now with his breath inches from her face.

"Why do you always make me hit you?" His voice whispered out as if trying to keep the neighbors from hearing. "You always do and say things that make me so angry! When will you learn that if you'd just stop making these stupid mistakes that things would get better?"

Grabbing her arms he brought her face to face with himself. When he spoke, she felt the heat of his words upon her face, "Answer me Emily!"

Her lips trembled as they parted, and she tasted blood as she tried to form the words around the cuts and bruises, "I...I...."

"I...I...what Emily? Go on and say it like a good girl so you can be forgiven."

"I'm so-sorry Michael. I...I'm sorry, it's my fault"

An evil, self satisfied grin spread on his face as he pulled her to him. "There, there, Baby doll, let daddy fix it and make it all better," he crooned over her whispering in an almost soothing voice meant to soothe a small child. Gently lifting her in his arms, he carried her to the bathroom, and placed her on the toilet seat to begin removing her clothing. He ran a bath of scented bubbles, and gently set her in the tub. She knew he enjoyed this part of his "make up" ritual, and knew that fighting him off would only ensue another onslaught of angry fists.

Closing her eyes, she felt him run a cool cloth over her face, and placing it over her eyes to soothe the ache and swelling. He always began his bathing ritual by soothing her aches, easing the swelling, and gently cleaning away the blood.

He began lathering a wash cloth as he stared down at his wife's naked form. He slowly began running the cloth over her body, tensing as he rubbed over her breasts. His hands shook as he made his descent lower, admiring her flat stomach, and the curve of her hips. He always enjoyed looking at her, his sweet Emily. He'd always loved bathing her, and watching her come alive under his hands. He felt his breath hitch as he began bathing between her legs, and almost on command he heard her soft moan of pleasure.

Emily had learned years before that if she wanted to avoid a beating, she'd better act like she enjoyed the things he did to her. There was a time when he'd charmed her, and they'd enjoyed each other as a husband and wife do. She couldn't remember when he'd changed, but it seemed as though he'd came home a different person one day, and the man she loved never returned. She fought back tears as she obediantly moaned what she hoped was a sound of pleasure as he began his seduction.

As always, he treated her like royalty after removing her from the bath. He dried her body, and began massaging creams to soften, and ointments to heal into her tender skin. His hands slid over her body, and she knew he enjoyed every inch of what he was doing. He laid her onto their bed, and began removing his clothes, as he stared hungrily down at her naked form. Emily closed her eyes, and from experience, sent her mind somewhere else to avoid the final humiliation he was about to issue.

The sun nearly blinded her as she opened her eyes the next morning. Heaving a sigh, she turned away from the bright promise of a new day only to find her bed empty and her cheek laying on a cool sheet of paper.
Darling Emily,
I had to go into work early this morning, and won't be back until late. Make sure you've cleaned up your little mess from last night, and keep dinner warm for me. I can not tell you how very much I love you.
Your Adoring Husband,
In disgust, she crumbled the paper into a tight ball, and threw it across her room. Slowly she climbed from her bed and took mental stock on her aches and pains. Her face felt raw, and upon inspection in the mirror, wouldn't bruise too badly. He always made sure of that. With a sigh, she dressed for the day, and set about to straighten the house.
Broken glass, and furniture littered the living room floor, and a shattered picture lay at her feet as she stepped into the messy reminder of the previous evening. Forcing back tears, she knelt onto the floor, and began the clean up.
Three hours later, Emily was standing in her kitchen tapping her now manicured nail on her coffee cup. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at the clock, noted the time, and removed the clock from the wall. Opening a small latch in the back where batteries are supposed to go, she removed the bundle of money she'd been stashing. Pocketing the money, she hung the clock exactly where it should hang, and walked to her room.
Taking a small suitcase from the closet, she began filling it with her necessities, and momentos that she wanted to keep with her. In another larger suitcase, she put her clothing. She walked through the house carrying both cases to the entrance to the garage, and opened the door. She opened the trunk of her car, placed the cases in, and quietly closed the lid. By this time, she wasn't thinking about what came next, just moving through the motions.
She walked slowly from room to room, scanning over items, and furniture. There were no tears in her eyes, as she climbed into her car, and started the engine. As she backed out of the driveway, she scanned the street to make sure he wasn't coming towards the house. She'd left no note, no reminder of herself for him to find, and she hoped to leave no trace for him to follow. Watching the garage door lower, she debated throwing her wedding rings out of the window, but decided to keep them for extra cash just in case.
The bank was empty when she pulled into the parking lot. The large sunshades hid her eyes, and she hoped, hid her intentions. She walked up to what appeared to be a friendly looking older woman behind the bank counter, and smiled at her.
"Good Morning! How may I help you today?" The clerk skimmed over Emily's face as she took in the dark glasses, and the slight bruising around a full mouth which had blood oozing from a freshly opened gash. Quietly reaching for a tissue, the clerk handed it to Emily, and pointed to her lips.
Embarrassed, Emily dabbed at the fresh blood, and whispered an apology. At the clerk's quiet smile, she felt the twinges of fear and embarrassment fade just enough away to ask for a withdrawel slip.
"Will you be able to tell me the balance on the account?" Her hand poised over the amount section as she glanced up at the clerk.
"Certainly, but if I may impose, perhaps you should come with me into the back. I have a friend I think you should speak with and she'll be able to help you get to where you need to get. I'm Beth....just Beth." The clerk gave her a quick nod of her head, and patted her hand as she spoke.
"I guess it's easy to tell why I'm here, isn't it?" Emily smiled slightly at Beth. Placing a grin on her face, Beth just slapped her closed sign on the counter, and all but bellowed, "Right this way, Mrs. Cole, and I'll be happy to show you where to open a new account."
Beth waved her along, as she briskly walked to the back of the bank, and up a flight of stairs.
Beth paused in front of a desk with a pretty blonde sitting behind it, and said, "This is Mrs. Cole here to see Jillian." The blonde smiled a welcome, and buzzed them through the door.