Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Stop the insanity

Seriously. Last year I lost my job, now this year it's Brian's turn. Of course, I'm forced to look at the bright side of this. Brian hated that job. He would have stayed there forever hating it. So, this was like a nudge in the right direction. Maybe he'll find a job that he can enjoy. I mean...it'll be okay.

We celebrated his 30th birthday over the weekend. Poor baby. What a shock to the senses. Turning 30, then getting let go. *sigh*

I'm feeling random today. Totally and utterly random.

OMG, I'm so excited. Nora Roberts has a B & B!!! You do realize I have to be a nerd and go stay in it now, right? It's in Boonesboro, MD....and I'm soooo excited for it to open. Of course, I'm going to be waiting until NEXT summer, but hey....I wait patiently (not) for her books, so I guess I can wait for this. Right?

My nose is stopped, my throat is scratchy....I feel the sickness coming on. Great. Good thing I had my flu shot. *sigh*